>migso music videos

>most recent

707 migso 2006, 1'26''
from the audio cd
ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

Sewer migso 2002, 1'22''
from the audio cd
002 Variz.org, 003den, 2002

>migso videoclips, one minute downloadable previews
right_click and "Save target as..." or left_click and wait.

migso 2006, 0'41''
full video [download] [+info]
(QT 1.37Mb)
ZOOG, Variz.org, 007den

migso 2006, 1'52''
one minute preview [download] [+info]
ZOOG, Variz.org, 007den

migso 2002, 2'52''
one minute preview
[download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)
ZOOG, Variz.org, 007den

Sparky migso 2002, 2'14''
one minute preview [download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)
002, Variz.org, 007den

>migso videoclips using footage from the Prelinger Archives one minute downloadable previews
right_click and "Save target as..." or left_click and wait.

the home electrical (1915) 1'54'', 2006
edited to the music bobft migso (2003)
one minute preview [download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)

let yourself go (1940) 2'16'', 2006
edited to the music gwen migso (2003)
one minute preview [download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)

operation crossroads (1946) 1'38'', 2006
edited to the music sasp migso (2003)
one minute preview [download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)

the Power to Serve (1957) 2'42'', 2006
edited to the music landau migso (2002)
one minute preview [download] [+info]
(QT 2.31Mb)

>migso full music videos (2006) using footage from the Prelinger Archives

the home electrical (1915) 1'54'', 2006
edited to the music bobft migso (2003)

let yourself go (1940) 2'16'', 2006
edited to the music gwen migso (2003)
from the audio cd
ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

operation crossroads (1946) 1'38'', 2006
edited to the music sasp migso (2003)
from the audio cd
ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

the Power to Serve (1957) 2'42'', 2006
edited to the music landau migso (2002)

>migso full music videos (2006 and 2002)

Sparky migso 2002, 2'14''
from the audio cd
002 Variz.org, 003den, 2002

URL/dolo migso 2002, 2'52''
from the audio cd ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

Isom migso 2006, 1'52''
from the audio cd ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

Slok migso 2006, 1'35''
from the audio cd
ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006

migso 2006, 2'03''
from the audio cd
ZOOG Variz.org, 007den, 2006


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